Core Value Highlight on Perseverance

December was about personifying perseverance, which means we maintain forward progress regardless of circumstances. Each month we will share thoughts from people within our department about each core value.


What does personifying perseverance mean to you?

“Working hard with discipline and through challenges to meet and exceed the end goal.” ~Jamie Hall

“It means rebuilding after a flood and a hurricane. It means implementing systems to influence positive change. It means finding a way to make things happen!” ~Andrea Tepe  

As a department, how successful are we at personifying perseverance?

“I believe this department does a very good job at personifying perseverance. I believe the quality matches the quantity that our department puts out on social media, despite quick turnarounds, last second pivots on certain projects, etc.” ~Tyler Schiefelbein

 As a department, where can we improve to ensure we are personifying perserverance?

“Understanding another staff member or department's roles, responsibilities, and resources when asking for something. Working with them, working together to overcome the challenge.” ~Jason Feirman

“Recognizing it! When you see someone pushing through, honor that. Support them. Collective perseverance is exponentially more powerful than individual perseverance. This is an area where I definitely need to work to improve – recognizing when others are overwhelmed and finding ways to offer additional support.” ~Cody Worsham


December 2022: Core Value Most Valuable Players!


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