Every Day’s a Drive By

Flo Williams, LSU Athletics' Manager of Facilities & Grounds, grew up in a hard part of Miami. She carries the weight of that experience with her every day, as well as its lessons and gifts.

We all carry our histories with us. It's important to remember that even though we're a team, as individuals we're also the sum of our joys and our fears, our triumphs and traumas.

As a Black woman, Flo bears a double burden shared by many of your teammates, co-workers and family members. Her poetry speaks her truth and maybe yours too.

Everyday is a drive by..

An explosion of anger waiting to happen,

I watch as people are more afraid to cry than they are to die.

When mothers hold songs longer than their sons And use their memories as re-runs..

Unable to reload the chamber of time before a bullet flies.

Where I’m from, everyday is a drive by

Another method of how life can pass

I wonder if politicians laugh,

I wonder if garbage bags are harder to carry

Because body parts don’t weigh the same as trash…

Yesterday didn’t last..

Today I feel afraid.

I can’t think of Tomorrow

Because everyday is a drive by..

Russian Roulette at best

Imagine a world where children become silhouettes..

Empty High Schools filled with regrets..

I often ask God to reset my eyes


‘Cause everyday is a drive by..


Peace. Flo


Helping to Fuel the Fire!


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