Athletics Dept. Taps “Gatekeepers” for Suicide Prevention Training

In recognition of a nationwide spike in students’ mental health struggles and the tragic potential for self-harm, LSU Athletics recently engaged the QPR Institute (QPRI) to provide targeted training and certification in suicide prevention to key healthcare staff.

QPRI’s Gatekeeper Training program targets those, such as healthcare providers, teachers and coaches, in positions likely to encounter persons at imminent risk of suicide. QPRI describes suicide as the devastating result of a recognizable pattern of thoughts and circumstances that, with proper training, may be arrested before loss of life. The QPRI name derives from an acronym for “Question, Persuade, and Refer,” which form the pillars of this unique, evidence-based approach specifically recommended by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

“LSU is not immune from national trends in mental health and suicide,” said Shelly Mullenix, Senior Associate Athletic Director for Health and Wellness. “Multiple factors have made the past two years extremely trying for millions of young people, our student-athletes among them. We are dedicated to providing everyone in our program the latest information and most effective mental health supports available.”

Mullenix, who received QPRI’s three-year “Gatekeeper Instructor” certification, along with Athletic Department Director of Training and Education, Eddie St-Vil, and Assistant Athletic Trainer Julia Howard, will now be able to pass along this training to other staff and faculty members.  

Student-athletes, their coaches and others associated with the department are welcome to contact Shelly Mullenix, Eddie St-Vil or Julia Howard to learn more about suicide prevention and how to take advantage of this important learning opportunity.


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